And I would like to pass it along to:
Have a great day!!! Hugs, Cindi
And I would like to pass it along to:
Have a great day!!! Hugs, Cindi
You can get my parts HERE & HERE!
and go check out the rest of the train! There's some lovely stuff available from these
awesome ladys!!!!
Click on the previews to download! And please leave some love!
I learned a lot doing this kit! I have another blog train coming,
and a collab kit I have been working on with (?)
gonna have to come back and see:):):)
All coming in the next week or so.
And now, onto the rest of the train!!!
Mags - http://magsgraphics.blogspot.com/
Wendy & Sarah - http://www.kikkinkreations.blogspot.com/
Angie (Elemental Pixie) - http://elementalpixie.blogspot.com/
Gina - http://gina-moondancecreations.blogspot.com/
Judith - http://justanotherscrap.wordpress.com/
Becky http://beckysscrap.blogspot.com/
A Changed Heart Designs - http://mommyaddictedtoscraps.blogspot.com/
Lei - http://fairydustprincess-magicmaker.blogspot.com/
Adele http://blindsightdesigns.blogspot.com/
Bonnie - http://maltesescrapper.com/
DesignsByAmilyn - http://www.designsbyamilyn.blogspot.com/
Candie - http://candiescreations.blogspot.com/
Cindi http://harley310.blogspot.com/ YOU ARE HERE:)
Linda @ http://lindasdreamdesigns.blogspot.com/
Donna - http://www.tootlebugz.com/
Gail - http://gails-space.blogspot.com/
Aubrey's Mom - http://scrappinbyaubreysmom.blogspot.com/
Jessie - http://stormiescraps.blogspot.com/
Vero - http://thescrappingtree.blogspot.com/
Crystal - http://www.digitalscrapfun.blogspot.com/
Diana - http://digitaldezerts.blogspot.com/
Penny - http://alliekatcreations.blogspot.com/
Mary - http://barkingpenguinscraps.blogspot.com/
Anne http://mousee23.sosblog.com/index.htm
Arvita's - http://arvita-elams-flights-of-fancy.blogspot.com/
desiab @ Crafter's Boutique -- http://craftersboutique.blogspot.com/
Manda- http://www.disasterindesigns.com/
Wendi @ Willow Grace Designs - http://willowgracedesigns.blogspot.com/
Buzybee (Penny Lewis) - http://buzybeehive.blogspot.com/
Deanna at Flower Scraps - http://flowerscrap.blogspot.com/
Debbie - http://beckmoorescrapalittle.blogspot.com/
Jenn Gigowski of BMC - http://busybeingblessed.com/
WillowRaven at Purple Dragonfly Creations - http://www.purpledragonflycreations.blogspot.com/
Jen - http://scrappingwithjen.blogspot.com/
Catmom - http://the-cats-meow-catmom.blogspot.com/
Bits N Bobs - http://scrappingbits.blogspot.com/
Morgaine Creations© - http://morgainecreations-gone-scrappy.blogspot.com/
CATT - http://cattscrapps.blogspot.com/
Deb - http://thescrappincop.blogspot.com/
Dawne of Desert Bloom Designs - http://desertbloomdesigns.blogspot.com/
EmCeeScraps - http://emceescraps.blogspot.com/
Vintage Paris Princess Designs - http://vintageparisprincess.blogspot.com/
Erikia {aka PinkuPixie} - http://ppbits.blogspot.com/
Creative Digital Scraps by Chiara - http://creativedigitalscraps.blogspot.com/
Joni - http://bouquetofpixels.blogspot.com/
Lynn - http://themathematiciansassistant.com/
I really think you will love everything, the color pallet was wonderful to work with!
Have a great day!!
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